"I'M NOT PREGNANT, I'M JUST FAT", The Dirty Demo Project
"I'M NOT PREGNANT, I'M JUST FAT", The Dirty Demo Project
"THE DIRTY DEMO PROJECT" is an idea born from Katie Thompson's fans. After replying to emails about why certain songs from "R.R.R.E.D...", "Christmas With a K", and whatever current concoction she performs on YouTube - cannot be bought on iTunes; she decided to release demo's from the projects they've asked for... ONE DIRTY DEMO at a time.
These tracks have not, and will not be released on iTunes, levels are not... levelled, and she can be caught laughing and/or talking to whomever or whatever the demo is for. Basically: The ultimate Katie Thompson fan mp3.
All rights reserved, Do not file-share or duplicate. You are welcome!
Here is "I'M NOT PREGNANT, I'M JUST FAT" from "R.R.R.E.D, a Secret Musical", the first installment of: THE DIRTY DEMO PROJECT.